At first glance, the graduate schools at Santa Clara University, the University of Kansas and Fordham University might appear to have little in common. One is in San Diego. One is in the middle of the country. One is in New York City. They each offer a unique “menu” of MBA programs. Their student bodies are demographically different.
Yet — as you’ll discover by watching Liaison’s free on-demand webinar, “How to Do More with Less: The Essential Tools in 3 Business Schools’ Admissions Toolkits” — admissions leaders at the three institutions also have much in common.
For example, they face many of the same challenges trying to recruit best-fit students, including a lack of applicant pool diversity and limited resources in their admissions offices. They have also implemented similar solutions, such as making the decision to adopt Liaison’s BusinessCAS™, the world’s only Centralized Application Service (CAS™)for graduate management education.
To highlight how these three schools were ultimately able “to do more with less,” the webinar focuses on the lessons learned and strategies implemented by:
- Toby McChesney, Senior Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs at Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business and Chair of Liaison’s BusinessCAS Advisory Board
- Dee Steinle, Executive Director of MBA and MSB Programs at the University of Kansas School of Business and Vice Chair of the BusinessCAS Advisory Board
- Lawrence Mur’ray, Senior Assistant Dean, Graduate Admissions and Advising at Fordham University Gabelli School of Business and BusinessCAS Advisory Board member
“We have very few people doing a lot of work here,” Steinle says. “It’s important for us to be very creative about how we get it done, and Liaison is a tremendous help. We’re very pleased with our Centralized Application Service. It definitely works for us.”
Dr. McChesney agrees: “BusinessCAS gives my four staff members in admissions more freedom to really focus on the yielding of applications. BusinessCAS helps applicants while simultaneously giving us more visibility. It’s definitely been successful.”
To learn more about how BusinessCAS provides the tools and services that will help you do more with less, register now for the free, on-demand webinar, “How to Do More with Less: The Essential Tools in 3 Business Schools’ Admissions Toolkits.”